Posted 4/23/20
Dear Parents,
This page contains a lot of information, but please read it in its entirety so that we will all be on the "same page" as we begin online instruction.☺
Private Instruction
While we continue to wait for the state mandate to be revised, we will now resume our Spring Semester by holding private instruction online, effective immediately. Other music programs (including homeschool music academies) across the country are temporarily moving online, also.
All students (except Mini-Maestros) will receive private lessons online during this time. Mini-Maestros classes are participatory only, and do not include take-home assignments. All other classes include take-home assignments as a central, essential component so that students can practice singing and playing techniques they have learned in classes in addition to the music itself.
I will be contacting all of the Mini-Maestros families to discuss the next steps regarding their children.
By "private lessons," I mean that I will work with each individual student by offering evaluation, feedback, and instruction focused on that student only, giving them what they personally need to improve and gain confidence as a musician.
I am very excited about this opportunity to help students in ways not always possible in our group classes. Students are going to be using new methods to learn and improve, and they are likely going to be able to see, hear, and address things in ways they never have before. If they take this process seriously, this time can be very valuable to them. I expect many will show significant improvement by the time we return to group classes.
This is a different method of instruction than what we normally use, but it is an effective process that instructors have used for awhile and is becoming increasingly common. Playing within groups as we normally do is certainly quite valuable. However, I want to use the available method that best helps us—regardless of the circumstances—to help students grow and progress as musicians. That is our overall goal, and I believe it will have a lasting impact on their life.
For brain development, musicianship is one of the most important academic subjects a child can study. It is much more than just an activity!
Teaching about 200 private online lessons each week will require extra hours on my part, but I believe your children and this academy are worth it. The individual attention students receive will be valuable to them if they take advantage of this opportunity. I have already spent a lot of time researching and preparing for this, and I value your support in this effort!
Online Methods
Online private lessons can be given in multiple ways. Two common methods are "live" meetings via Zoom or Skype, or the sharing of recordings and other files. Both methods have advantages.
To start with, I am going to ask students to record their assignments on video. I believe this is the easiest way for everyone to make this transition during this time. Later, we may utilize a different platform or method.
Some of the advantages to using these videos:
1. Student can hear and see themselves play or sing
2. Student can record multiple takes, and send their best effort
3. Student can listen to or view the instruction files at any convenient time
4. Instructor can spend extra time studying students' videos and prepare feedback/instruction
5. Instructor can refer to specific points in a video to help student
6. Instructor can provide spoken, written, demonstrated, and linked assistance that student can refer to throughout the week while practicing
After I receive a student's video and study it, I will use audio, video, written comments, links, graphics, or some combination of these to help each student. I plan to give each individual specific things to focus on in addition to correcting notes and rhythms. These can include Tone, Intonation, Breathing, Air Support, Posture, Articulation, Dynamics, Phrasing, Bow Hold, Embouchure, and more. There are always opportunities to acknowledge achievement in some areas while working to improve in others.
My wife, Alicia Kardell, is a vocal coach and performer, and she will help me work with Academy Choir students on vocal technique.
During this "break," I have been researching the best methods available to make this a time of great progress for our students. I have already subscribed to multiple platforms that we can incorporate in the future.
Services such as Zoom do not currently lend themselves to productive group participation in music classes due to latency (delay) and sound issues. For example, multiple musicians cannot play or sing together while hearing each other, and the instructor cannot hear the group, either. A Zoom group class could be useful if I need to meet with students for a demonstration or a discussion. Hopefully, that technology will improve soon so that we can have group participation and hear each other playing, also.
Zoom can be useful when working with individual students, so we may use Zoom for our private lessons at some point if necessary.
You may have seen virtual choirs online. Those are individual home videos (similar to what students will be creating) synchronized into a single recording. It would be a fun project for us to do with our students in the future. Hopefully, it will be possible to do that live
someday from our homes.
Upcoming Class Dates
Weekly individual online instruction will replace our weekly group classes for the next few weeks, or until further notice. We will have either online or in-person group class instruction from now through June 12. We will also hold additional classes at some locations after Summer Session is over (between August 24 and September 14), pending approval from the churches where we rent space.
Weekly Assignments
This first week of online instruction, I am asking each student to record a video of themselves playing or singing their weekly assignment. (Assignment information is at the bottom of this page.) Please email your child's video to me by 12:00 PM each week on your normal class day.
In response to each video I receive, I will email a file(s)-- prepared specifically for your child--to you within 48 hours of receiving your child's video.
If your child has their own email account, you may wish to simply forward the files I send to your child's email. As a policy though, I send any files and communication for your child directly to you, the parent. That way, you are always "in the loop."
Grafton and Madison families: Today is Thursday, so this is a short week for you. It is okay to send your child's video a day late this first week if necessary.
Please email student videos to me at this email address:
In the subject line, please type:
-Your family's normal class location
-Your child's name
-The name of the piece or song
For example: "Grafton - Chris Jones - Yankee Doodle"
It is very important to have the above information in the subject line so that I can quickly organize all of the videos into folders as they come in. This will help me to keep up with the evaluations of all of the videos.
Sending Videos
Due to their size, videos cannot be emailed directly. Please use a file-sharing service to email the video, since they can easily help deliver these large files.
If you have not used a file-sharing service, I recommend that you use "Smash." It is free, simple to use, and does not require you to sign up for an account of any kind.
Android users can get the free "Smash" file-sharing app at an app store (e.g. Google Play). Look for this "Smash" logo at your app store:
iPhone users can get the free "Smash" app at their website, On that site, click on this:
If you prefer, you can use other services like DropBox, Google Drive, or MailDrop (on iPhones) instead.
During this first week, if your child is uncomfortable playing or singing on camera, you may send audio only (or they may point the camera to the floor while recording). However, I will often be able to give your child more help if I can also see them.
Practice cards do not need to be completed during these weeks of online instruction. However, each student should practice daily (3 repetitions per day) through the week before recording their video.
Video Assignments To Send In Between April 27 through May 1
I am addressing these comments to the students, with the understanding that parents may need to explain the assignment to younger children.
These general assignments are intended to help students ease into online learning. Next week, I will give each student their own unique assignment, and include that in the materials I send them:
Drums, Flutes, & Ukuleles:
On recorder, practice the first half of "Yankee Doodle" (on the last page of the book), record yourself (while standing up if possible), and send the video to me.
If "Yankee Doodle" is too difficult for you right now, choose something earlier in the book to play (even if it is something we have played in the past).
For "extra credit", play and record one of the Recorder solos on the Sheet Music & Recordings page on our website:
Beginner's Piano:
Practice the most recent assignment that is on the practice card you have in your folder, record it, and send the video to me. Play one-hand-at-a-time if you are not ready for "hands together."
If you are struggling with the assignment that is on your card, practice and record something from earlier in the book as a review ("hands alone" if necessary).
For "extra credit," also print and play one of the Beginner's Piano Solos on the Sheet Music & Recordings page:
Early Intermediate Piano:
Practice the most recent assignment that is on the practice card you have in your folder, record it, and send the video to me.
Play one-hand-at-a-time if you are not ready for "hands together."
If you are struggling with the assignment that is on your card, practice and record something from earlier in the book as a review ("hands alone" if necessary).
For "extra credit," also print and play one of the Beginner's Piano Solos on the Sheet Music & Recordings page:
Academy Choir:
1. Listen to the first version of Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head that is labeled "For Listening and Practicing" on the Sheet Music & Recordings page. Then, practice singing along with that same recording. If you do not have your copy of the sheet music, you can find it on the Sheet Music & Recordings page.
2. Once it becomes easy to sing along with the "Listening & Practicing" recording, practice singing along with the "Piano Accompaniment" version of "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," and record a video of your singing when you are ready. Please stand while singing and recording your video.
If you don't know the entire song, just record the part you do know.
When you record your video, sing along with the "Piano Accompaniment" version if possible. (You will need to play that recording on a different device than the phone/tablet you are using to record yourself). If that is not possible, you can record yourself singing it "a cappella" (voice alone, without piano).
Beginner's String Orchestra:
Practice and record your most recent assignment that is on the practice card in your folder.
For "extra credit," print, practice, and record one of our "Beginner's" solos (find your instrument's name on the Sheet Music & Recordings page):
Beginner's Band:
Practice and record your most recent assignment that is on the practice card in your folder.
For "extra credit," print, practice, and record one of our "Beginner's" solos (find your instrument's name on the Sheet Music & Recordings page):
Concert Orchestra:
Print, practice, and record one of our "Intermediate+" or "Beginners" solos (find your instrument's name on the Sheet Music & Recordings page):
If you prefer, this week you may practice and record one of the pieces that we have been working on recently in our group classes (instead of a solo).
Concert Band:
Print, practice, and record one of our "Intermediate+" or "Beginners" solos (find your instrument's name on the Sheet Music & Recordings page):
If you prefer, this week you may practice and record one of the pieces that we have been working on recently in our group classes (instead of a solo).
Philharmonic Orchestra: Print, practice, and record one of the "Intermediate+" or "Upper Intermediate/Advanced" solos for your instrument:
If you prefer, this week you may practice and record one of the pieces that we have been working on recently in our group classes (instead of a solo).
Symphonic Band: Print, practice, and record one of the "Intermediate+" or "Upper Intermediate/Advanced" solos for your instrument:
If you prefer, this week you may practice and record one of the pieces that we have been working recently in our group classes (instead of a solo).
Parents, please email me with any questions. Thank you!
Scott Kardell, Director
Music Academy of Greater Milwaukee